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Omnigeist is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, it's free.

Tipfy Installation

Tipfy is a small but powerful framework made specifically for Google App Engine. Here are some quick instructions to get started with it. More details are available in tipfy's wiki:


Our goal gere is to provide a smooth installation process so that you can see a tipfy application up and running in a few minutes. If you have any problems, please post a message to the discussion group:


All-in-one installation

If you downloaded the all-in-one pack, all you need to do is to start the development server pointing to the /app dir inside the uncompressed archive:

  • Run the dev_appserver tool from the App Engine SDK (or the App Engine Launcher) pointing to the /app directory inside the uncompressed archive:

    dev_appserver.py /path/to/project/app

  • Open a browser and test the URLs:

    http://localhost:8080/ http://localhost:8080/pretty

You should see a Hello, World! message. If you do, that's all. Now you have a project environment to start developing your app.

Do-it-yourself installation

If you downloaded the do-it-yourself pack, you need to first install the needed libraries before running de development server. Here's how:

  • Access the project directory and call the bootstrap script using your Python 2.5 interpreter. We pass the command --distribute because it is preferable to the default setuptools. This will prepare buildout to run:

    python bootstrap.py --distribute

  • Build the project calling bin/buildout. This will download and setup tipfy and all libraries inside the /app directory. It may take a while.


  • Start the development server calling bin/dev_appserver. It will use the application from /app by default:


  • Open a browser and test the URLs:

    http://localhost:8080/ http://localhost:8080/pretty

You should see a Hello, World! message. If you do, that's all. Now you have a project environment to start developing your app.
