Home > Online-File-Search


Online-File-Search is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

A lightweight web-based file search tool

== About ==

This is a lightweight web application to search local files by keyword. It is intended to serve in file-sharing servers with lots of files. Users can find needed files by this application before downloading.

== License ==

This software is published under GPLv2. You can refer here for a full version: www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

== Dependency ==

This application depends on the following software:

  1. Python 2.6.x or 2.7.x
  2. locate, this is available in most Linux release
  3. JSRL (http://code.google.com/p/jsrl), the code is already put in /lib directory of this repository

== Support == I do not supply technical support for this application. So any side-effects caused by this scripts should be your problems. However, you can contact me for discussion.

== Installation ==

  1. (optional) Generate your locate database. It is recommended to generate a dedicated database file for directorys of your shared files by updatedb.

  2. Configure by editing cgi/findfilesconf.py. LIMIT: maximal number of records to output [example: 200] BASE_DIR: the root directory of your shared files [example: '/home/share'] BASE_URL: the absolute or relative URL to access BASE_DIR [example: '/files'] TIME_STYLE: format for file's last modification date [example: '%m/%d/%Y'] DB_FILE: locate database file [example: /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'] DEDICATED_DB_FILE: whether DB_FILE only contins files under BASE_DIR [True or False]

  3. Configure your http daemon. This is an example of apache configuration:

     Alias /search /dir/of/onlinefilesearch
     <Location "/search">
         DirectoryIndex findfiles.html
     <Location "/search/cgi">
         Options +ExecCGI
         SetHandler cgi-script

Jiangzhou He [email protected]
