Home > Online_Resume_Template


Online_Resume_Template is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Simple online resume/portfolio template

Here are the most common ways to modify this theme:

  1. Add a section

  2. Add a subsection

  3. Change the color of the banner and text titles

  4. Adding a section

Looking in index.html look for lines that begin like this:

If you want to make a brand new section simply copy everything between the opening

and closing
. Afer that... just fill in your info!

  1. Add a subsection

Let's say you want to add a section to the "Technical Skills section". Copy and paste this after subsection (after the closing

of a
tag) and fill in your info:

Insert your title
2 Years Experience
Nunc mollis egestas tortor, non bibendum urna volutpat ut. Duis a metus diam. Praesent placerat, erat id molestie facilisis, odio tortor suscipit augue, non lacinia ipsum arcu id ipsum.

You can copy and paste any subsection.. copying and pasting a section from the work experiences section will give you bullets.

  1. Changing the color of the banner and text Since this theme is almost all pure HTML/CSS you can customize it a lot! This means changing the color throughout the theme is very simple.

First open the file "resume.css". Starting at line 14 of the file you will see the following lines: ".bannerhead" ".sectiontitle" ".triangle"

All you have to do is change the "background" property of the .bannerhead, the "color" of the .sectiontitle, and the border-color of the .triangle. Listed below are some popular color schemes. If you want to make up your own color scheme you might check out http://colorschemedesigner.com/ and grab some hex color codes!

Format Like this: background/color: number; triangle: number;




Steel Blue



Sea Green









If you have any questions feel free to message me or email at [email protected]
