Home > txrabbitmq


Txrabbitmq is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, based on the View license.

txrabbitmq - RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl as a Twisted Service.


Implements RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl command line tool as a Twisted Service, Expose this functionality over several protocols, most importantly: HTTP and AMQP.


Get the latest code::

$ git://github.com/clemesha-ooi/txrabbitmq.git

The recommend way of using txrabbitmq is to create a virtualenv and the install all dependencies with pip into the virtualenv::

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages txrabbitmq_env 
$ pip -E txrabbitmq_env install -U twotp orbited twisted simplejson stompservice


Start up the RESTful Command/Data http service:

From top-level package directory run::

$ twistd -n txrabbitmq

Get realtime data from RabbitMQ:

From the top-level package directory run::

$ twistd -n txrabbitmq

Open 2nd shell, navigate to the directory webui/push and run::

$ python data_producer.py #first shell
$ orbited --config=rabbitmq.cfg #second shell

Open ports 8000 and 9000, to see commands data and push, respectively


From the top-level package directory run::

$ trial tests/test_service.py


The RabbitMQ cookie must exist in ~/.erlang.cookie

For testing with a remote RabbitMQ broker, before using trial run::

  $ export TXRABBITMQ_NODENAME=my_node@my_remote_host

Also, when testing with a remote RabbitMQ broker, make sure firewall rules allow communication of the Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (epmd).


Apache License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php


This code is part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative project, for more details please see here: http://ci.oceanobservatories.org/ Or email the author: Alex Clemesha [email protected].
