Home > ooop_module


Ooop_module is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Module for openerp to use

OOOP Module:

This is a module to be able to use the OOOP wrapper in a openerp module instead of the ORM.


  1. Less code in the functions
  2. Easy to read
  3. You can test the code outside of the openerp

How to install?

  1. Install the OOOP
  2. Clone the repository on your openerp addons folder
  3. Update you addons list in your openerp
  4. Install the module

How to use?

I'm working on some general examples and some examples with unit testing.

but the general idea its this

def test(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    #here its the magic you can get the ooop
    o = self.pool.get('impulzia.ooop').get(self, cr, uid, ids, context) 
    #start the fun
    x = o.ResPartner.all()
    for i in x:
        print i.name  


Important to now that you can keep using the previous way but there is a new way to call it

def test(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    #here its the magic you can get the ooop
    o = self.ooop(cr, uid) 
    #start the fun
    x = o.ResPartner.all()
    for i in x:
        print i.name  

How to use OOOP?

Just follow the examples in: OOOP

Contacting us:

Post Issues on github: GITHUB Issues Discussion group: openerp-ooop