Home > opengl-demos


Opengl-demos is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Several small research demos

Proof-of-concept little OpenGL programs

Grass House Demo

Small weekend demo that didn't turn out so well. Read more here.

Research demos

These are demos I wrote to research certain ideas. I tried to write them in modern OpenGL only (3+), and as cleanly as possible, so they could prove useful to someone.

3 demos (geometry-shaders-TBOs.py, geometry-shaders-TBOs-transform-cache.py, instancing.py) display (well, they should) exactly the same boring picture (a few green diagonal lines), but they use different approaches. Instancing demo draws sphere geometry multiple times through glDrawArraysInstanced (vertex shader does some magic on gl_InstanceID). Geometry demo expands points to spheres in geometry shader (nice looking approach, but sorta slow - geometry shader performance is determined by the maximum amount of primitives produced; they are not meant to be used for geometry amplification). Transform cache demo instead stores produced geometry in a VBO (no copying to RAM is done) and then renders that directly. The last demo runs fastest On My System, but instancing is only a bit slower.

TODO: write some more
