Home > openly_sociable


Openly_sociable is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A wrapper around the Camping microframework and Mongrel that allows for a clean, effective way of writing and serving lightweight OpenSocial widgets

OpenlySociable > Micro Version

This is a wrapper around the Camping microframework that allows for a clean, effective way of writing OpenSocial widgets. Check out http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping/ for more details regarding the way Camping apps are written. Also check out the examples folder for self-contained OpenlySociable Micro apps.

Here is the simplest OpenlySociable widget you can write:

require 'openly_sociable_micro' OpenSocial.make_app :HelloWorld

module HelloWorld::Controllers class Index < R '/' def get @title = "Hello World" render :index end end end

module HelloWorld::Views def index p "Hello World" end end

OpenSocial.start_mongrel :HelloWorld, :port => 3301, :root => "/"


  • Camping
  • Builder
  • Mongrel