Home > openrichservices


Openrichservices is a project mainly written in Clojure, based on the View license.

Implementation of OpenRichServices

h1. Rich-Services Infrastructure

An implementation of a Rich-Services Infrastructure.

h2. Demo Usage

Download and install the Leiningen (v1.3) build tool for Clojure:

@wget http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/stable/bin/lein@ @chmod +x lein@ @lein self-install@

Download the OpenRichServices project dependencies:

@lein deps@

Build the project:

@lein uberjar@

Then give the following at the command line:

@java -cp rich-services-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar clojure.main@

Alternatively, launch a repl (or swank):

@lein swank@ (note: you'll need lein 1.2 or greater if you want to use @lein repl@)

Next, deploy the adl1 example rich-service instances:

@(use 'examples.adl1)@ @(deploy-example-nodes)@

And exercise the services
