Home > openstack_vpc_psql


Openstack_vpc_psql is a project mainly written in RUBY and SHELL, it's free.

= OpenStack VPC

== Description

Openstack Compute Virtual Private Cloud project. Creates an installation of Openstack Nova and Glance in a secured Cloud Servers VPN group.

By default trunk PPA packages are used from Launchpad.

Nova is configured to use Glance as an image store.

QEMU is used a hypervisor which can be used to launch small instances in the cloud (cloud in a cloud).

By default a group of 3 servers is created:

-login -glance1 -nova1

Useful for developmental functional testing (API, etc.).

== Requirements

-Cloud Servers VPC: https://github.com/rackspace/cloud_servers_vpc -Chef VPC Toolkit: https://github.com/rackspace/chef_vpc_toolkit

== Examples

Create a new OpenStack VPC server group (Cloud Servers/VPN/Chef/etc.)

rake create

Ssh into the group

rake ssh

Delete a group

rake group:delete

Rebuild/rechef a server within the group.

rake rechef SERVER_NAME=nova1

Install local nova source code branch onto a server within the group.

rake nova:install_source SOURCE_DIR=~/projects/nova-my-branch SERVER_NAME=nova1