Home > oracle.vim


Oracle.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Oracle SQL*Plus IDE

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=141

Description: This file contains functions/menus/commands/abbreviations to make Vim an Oracle SQL*Plus IDE. Here are the main highlights of this script:

  • SqlMake(): lets you open any stored procedure and compile from within vim. Will display and optionally highlight the errors, navigate thru errors in the quickfix mode.

  • Adds a SQL*Plus menu

  • SqlPlus(): lets you start an external SQLPlus, execute the whole file contents in SQLPlus and return the results back in the same buffer, or select a portion of the buffer, execute it and display the results in a new buffer.

  • GetSource(): get the stored procedure code from the database

  • Abbreviations: lot of abbreviations to make coding in PL/SQL a breeze, all accessible thru menu as well


c Select Database dialog C Get column names for the tablename under cursor F Stored procedure code from DB for the function/procedure name under cursor i Find Invalid Objects CTRL+S Start SQL*Plus window (external) r Execute current file in SQL*Plus window (external) s Execute current file in SQL*Plus and get the result to same buffer s Execute current selection in SQL*Plus and get the result to a new window Following mappings from ftplugin sql.vim Describe the object under cursor d make a dbms_output.put_line statement for word/selection below current line D make a dbms_output.put_line statement for word/selection above current line Optional files: sql.vim - sql filetype plugin load to your ftplugin folders. This file is needed for Abbreviations and some mappings Note: I have tested this only under gvim6.0 on Win2000 and Oracle 8.1.5. I do not have any other platform to test these. Screen Shots: http://www.geocities.com/rajesh_kallingal/vim/vimsql01.jpg http://www.geocities.com/rajesh_kallingal/vim/vimsql02.jpg If the above links don't work try this one. http://www.geocities.com/rajesh_kallingal/vim