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Org.eclipse.mylyn.koji is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Koji connector for mylyn builds

Mylyn Builds koji connector

Before we start, please join the Mylyn Builds ([email protected]) and koji buildsys ([email protected]) mailing list so you can get more support from the upstream people.

  1. Design and concerns Design: This connector makes heavy use of the model/view/controller or "separation of concerns" design pattern where we try to make a clear cut between each type of object as well as their responsibilities. This approach generally yeilds more managable, understandable and reusable code.

So, in case of the koji connector:

MODEL will be the koji entities (users, channels, hosts, task, buildinfo and packages) and the koji web service client in the org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.client.api package. Which are the data carriers and the data access object/facade. Their responsibilities are simple - to carry data and query the data out of the koji server. NOTE: users, channels and hosts are commented out for the fact that Mylyn Builds is not capable of presenting them to the user.

CONTROLLER will be the entity parsing utilities (yes, for each entity, it has its own parsing utility) and serialization/deserialization utilities in org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.cleint.internal.utils package as well as the KojiServerBehavior class in org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.connector package. They are responsible to convert whatever koji server returns into the entity classes listed above, serialize/deserialize them to/from base64 strings (reason for base64 instead of normal strings is that Java uses UTF-8 to encode strings, so whatever binary character the encoder finds from the serialized byte array that is not in the character set will be replaced with some unknown UTF-8 compliant characters and hence causing data corruption) and to implement the business logics required by Mylyn Builds. (Sorry for the extremely long class names, I just want to be clear with everything so whoever picks up the project knows where to find the required logic)

VIEW is going to be the frontend of the koji connector, which is the yet-to-be-coded org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.ui project and the rest of the Mylyn Builds components.

Concern: If you compare the HudsonConnector, ResfulHudsonClient, HudsonServerBehavior found in the Hudson connector project with the KojiConnector, AbstractKojiHubClient and KojiServerBehavior classes in the koji connector, you will find that there is a major difference between them in terms of configuration and configuration cache handling. This is because the AbstractKojiHubClient was a component of the fedorapackager.koji project and was moved to the koji.core, so it is still a dependency of the fedorapackager.koji and should not be handling Mylyn Builds specific configuration and configuration caches, so I decided to move them to KojiServerBehavior, which is the next tier and also let it to handle them.

  1. Terminology There is just one term I created for this project, used it everywhere in my code:

"Sami's use case".

At the beginning of the project, Sami told me that he is interested in a use case - he wants to see a build editor opened to show the task information whenever eclipse fedora packager pushes a build. This is implemented in AbstractKojiHubClient's openBuildEditorForTaskId() and its callers, build() and resubmitTask().

The reason why I chose to place them inside the Koji client is that that's the place where a build is triggered and its not going to add extra dependency to the fedorapackager.koji project. However, this is not necessary the best solution so whenever you feel the need of moving them around, please do so.

  1. Data models and upstream communication I have the URL of the 2 bugs which contains the drawing of internal data model of koji connector and the changes Mr. Pingel made to IBuildElements/BuildElements.

Internal Data model: bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=353355 Comment #13 with owner, channel and host omitted.

Mr. Pingel's change: bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=355436 Comment #6 with link to his review board.

  1. TODOs First of all, I just want to point out that, there are a few things to do and for some of them, I left TODO comments in the source code so it should not be very difficult to find them. So here is a list of TODOs.

A. Implement org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.ui and org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.feature project.

B. Add required version of org.eclipse.mylyn.builds.core package to org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.core's manifest.mf (Since the update is not pushed to master of Mylyn Builds yet, please ask Mr. Pingel for the version number).

C. Get an upstream version of eclipse, install newest verison of Mylyn Builds and also eclipse fedora packager.

D. Git clone newest version of org.eclipse.mylyn.builds.core and other dependencies to build org.eclipse.mylyn.koji.core.

E. Test "Sami's use case" by pushing a build and see if the build editor actual shows up with the matching information. (In case its not working, please check the openBuildElements() of org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.builds.ui.commands.OpenHandler from the org.eclipse.mylyn.builds.ui project for clues, a BuildServer and a RepositoryLocation with the right Koji URL is needed).

F. Figure out how to unit test KojiServerBehavior.

G. Create a preference page in either koji.core or koji.ui to let users to limit the amount of builds to be queried in history view (its in the TODO comments of KojiServerBehavior), I generally call that integer limit. The value of -1 means no limit, just query all of the builds, and a value of > 0 is the limit.

H. Figure out a way to query the url and the content of the build artifact and add them into KojiTask and KojiBuildInfo

  • should be put into parsing utilities if it is to be implemented. (Optional, but very good to have)

That's about it, thank you very much!

Ken Leung
