Home > Organization-Chart-Generator


Organization-Chart-Generator is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the View license.

This software logs into PBWorks wiki, checks for certain patterns, extracts relevant tables and generates from it via Graphviz nice looking organization graphs.

Organization Chart Generator

Fast growing Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) have many people joining or dropping out over time. It is cumbersome to manage some kind of Organizational chart by hand since a computer can do that for us automatically.

This program will download and parse the necesary information and generate via GraphViz a simple Organizational Chart in various formats. These charts can then be used in presentations or other occasions.

It is currently based on PBWorks Wiki (Free version) and expects certain hardcoded pages that have "Team List" in it. From these pages tables are extracted and processed into a graphviz dot file. Finally, to provide a nice formatting and color layout a xsl sheet is used to beautify the SVG output.

Note: This software will be probably useless to you in case you don't use PBWorks and a certain pattern inside the wiki.


o [OS] GNU/Linux System or emulator (e.g. Cygwin) o [Language] Ruby 1.8.x & Rake or higher o [Library] Mechanize, Nokogiri o [Tools] Graphviz Dot, Xslproc


[Example 1 - Generate standard PNG]

% cd lib % ./OCG.rb --config configuration/My_Config_file.yaml -p % dot -Tpng /tmp/organization.dot > /tmp/organization.png

[Example 2 - Generate beautified SVG]

% cd lib % ./OCG.rb --config configuration/My_Config_file.yaml -p % dot -Tsvg /tmp/organization.dot > /tmp/organization.svg % xsltproc ../base/diagram-tools/notugly.xsl /tmp/organization.svg > /tmp/organization_final.svg


% rake -T


(c) 2011, Bjoern Rennhak

o MIT licence. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php o GPLv2 license o BSD license