Home > OS_P3_Hot-Potato


OS_P3_Hot-Potato is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

This is a readme file for Hot Potato Assignment 501 course The attached zip contains a Makefile Note: The makefile does not use the -m32 flag

There are 5 C files master.c The main program for the master player.c The main program for the player master_util.c master specific utility functions player_util.c master specific utility functions common_util.c Socket related and other functions common to both master and player

There are three header files potato.h Contains declaration of common data structures. master.h contains declaration of global variables for the master player.h contains declaration of global variables for the player

The file REFERENCES contains all the references used.

The player and master can be invoked as specified in the assignment. Note: If the master is invoked with a and bind fails, the program will randomly choose another port to bind to. This port will be printed on master side