Home > otp_rebar_sample


Otp_rebar_sample is a project mainly written in Erlang, it's free.

Erlang/OTP Rebar Application

Simple OTP Application using Rebar

A simple OTP application generated using rebar.

  1. Download and compile Rebar

    hg clone ssh://[email protected]/basho/rebar

  2. Compile the SampleApp

    $ rebar compile

    ==> mysample_app (compile)

    Compiled src/mysample_app.erl

    Compiled src/mysample_sup.erl

    Compiled src/mysample_server.erl

    ==> rel (compile)

    ==> otp_rebar_sample (compile)

  3. Create a rebar release

    $ rebar generate ==> rel (generate)

  4. Make the application executable

    $ chmod u+x rel/mysample/bin/mysample

    $ ./rel/mysample/bin/mysample

    Usage: mysample {start|stop|restart|reboot|ping|console|attach}

  5. Startup the application

    $ ./rel/mysample/bin/mysample console


    Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G)

    ([email protected])1>

  6. Check everything works

    ([email protected])1> application:which_applications().


    {sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11",""},

    {stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","1.17.4"},

    {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.14.4"}]

    ([email protected])2> mysample_server:start_link().


    ([email protected])3> mysample_server:say_hello().

    Hello from server!



Some useful resources for understanding Rebar:

  • Rebar on BitBucket
  • Erlang Application Management with Rebar
  • Erlang Rebar Tutorial - Generating Release Upgrades