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Ouiche is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the WTFPL license.

a small wiki-like system in Sinatra w/ text files


Ouiche is a lightweight personal wiki engine that uses flat text files.

Ouiche is written in Ruby with the Sinatra web framework. The data files are written in Markdown, so you need to have RDiscount.

It is completely Open-Source (published under the WTFPL): you can do whatever you want with the source code, and I'll happily accept any patches or improvements (use GitHub for that). If we meet, you can also buy me a beer.


Pages are stored in the data/ folder. File names will be used in the URLs, so pay attention to these.

The file format is easy:

Some text in Markdown.

The title will be used as the page title (awesome!), the part after the ---'s will be the body of the page. Period.

You can have private pages: just prepend the filename with a +. You can access such pages by visiting /p/<page>, and they will be skipped from the index.

Finally you can categorize pages. If there's a : in the file name, the part before the : will be the category, and you should write a page for it. Pages that are in a category won't be listed in the index.
