Home > ozjson


Ozjson is a project mainly written in C++ and SHELL, it's free.

Mozart/Oz library for encoding and decoding JSON using libjansson

JSON encoding/decoding for Mozart/Oz

This library contains functions encoding Oz records into JSON and vice versa:



ozmake --install

Import of the library can be done in the OPI with:

declare [JSON] = {Module.link ['x-ozlib://doublec/json/json.so{native}']}

Currently the library exposes the following functions:

  • {JSON.encode ozrecord} - Convert an Oz record into a JSON string:

      {Browse {JSON.encode json(one:1 two:"hello")}}
  • {JSON.decode string} - Convert a string of JSON code into an Oz record:

      {Browse {JSON.decode "{\"one\":1,\"two\":\"hello\"}"}}

You'll need the following C library to build:

  • libjansson

Recent versions of this library can be obtained from:


The author can be reached at:

Chris Double
[email protected]