Home > p5-Plack-App-uWSGI


P5-Plack-App-uWSGI is a project mainly written in PERL and PYTHON, it's free.

a PSGI frontend of uwsgi

NAME Plack::App::uWSGI - a PSGI frontend of uwsgi.

SYNOPSIS $ ./uwsgi --plugins python -s :4321 -w simple_app $ plackup -MPlack::App::uWSGI -e 'Plack::App::uWSGI->new(pass => "localhost:4321", modifier1 => "0")->to_app'

WARNING This module is under development. Few features have been implemented.

DESCRIPTION Plack::App::uWSGI proxies $env to uWSGI servers.

AUTHOR Masahiro Honma [email protected]

SEE ALSO LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
