Home > p5-skeleton-coc


P5-skeleton-coc is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

support creating skeleton for project

NAME Skeleton::CoC - support creating skelton for project.

SYNOPSIS package YourApp::Skeleton; use parent(Skeleton::CoC); use String::CamelCase qw();

    __PACKAGE__->define_target('controller' => [], sub {
        my ($self, $pkg) = @_;
        my $path = join "/", split /::/, $pkg;
        return "lib/YourApp/C/$path.pm";

    __PACKAGE__->define_target('action' => ['controller'], sub {
        my ($self, $str) = @_;
        my $path = join "/", map { String::CamelCase::decamelize($_) } split /::/, $self->controller;
        return "assets/tmpl/$path/$str.html";


    ? my $self = shift; # $self is a Skeleton::CoC.
    package <? $self->project ?>::C::<?= $self->controller ?>;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use parent qw(YourApp::C);

    ? if ( $self->action ) {

    sub dispatch_<?= $self->action ?> {
        my ($self, ) = @_;

    ? }

    @@ action
    [% INCLUDE "include/header.html" %]
    [% INCLUDE "include/footer.html" %]

in your skeleton.pl

    use YourApp::Skeleton;
    my $skeleton = YourApp::Skeleton->new(
        project => "YourApp",
        action => "index",

and run followings:

    $ ./skeleton.pl controller Foo::Bar
    # => generate lib/YourApp/C/Foo/Bar.pm

    $ ./skeleton.pl controller Foo::Bar action baz
    # => generate lib/YourApp/C/Foo/Bar.pm
    #    generate assets/tmpl/foo/bar/baz.html

DESCRIPTION Skeleton::CoC is

AUTHOR Keiji Yoshimi

SEE ALSO LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.