Home > packages_apps_God_Mode


Packages_apps_God_Mode is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.


God Mode

Direct Contributors - Xoomdev, R2DoesInc, Linuxmotion, Romanbb, Sbrissen


Provides access to customization features and the package update utility. The update utility work with clockworkmod.

Todo List that must be worked on immediately 1 - Remove as many calls to a reference Context as possible 2 - Handle the orientation change when downloading a rom or package. 3 - Remove the many references to Context in the OnNightlyPreferenceClickListener, instead use the supplied Preference to retreive a context to the activity 4 - Handle all fileDownloading in a service so that the Context to the Activity is not leaked.

Todo list the is not needed immediately but would be useful 1 - Rearrange the initial app downloading to avoide unnessery memory allocation 2 - Handle refreshing the manifest in a more diligent way