Home > PADS-ML


PADS-ML is a project mainly written in ..., based on the EPL-1.0 license.

A language for describing ad-hoc data sources

========================================= Overview

This is release 2.0 of the PADS/ML language and compiler. This release is intended primarily for early adopters. It is beyond prototype stage, having been used and maintained by the authors a small group of others for a number of years, but it is not a production release. The language and libraries are subject to change.

For more information on PADS/ML, please visit the website at:


Below are instructions for building and testing this distribution of PADS/ML. Note that PADS/ML has only been tested on the following architectures:

Redhat Enterprise Linux 3, 32 bit, x86. RedHat Linux 4, 64 bit, x86. OS X 10.3, PowerPC OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, Intel

========================================= Setup

N.B.: these instructions use GNU make (often called gmake or make). Be sure that the make program you are using is GNU make before proceeding.

STEP 1: Download and install dependencies.

In order to get started, you will need the following software:

  1. PADS/C
  2. Objective Caml
  3. camlidl
  4. XMLlight
  5. camlp5
  6. ocamlfind

Instructions for each of these software packages follow.

  • PADS/C. A version of the PADS/C runtime is packaged with this distribution in the file pads.1.XX.runtime.tar.gz. To use this version, follow the directions below. To use an existing version of PADS/C, skip to the next section.


    In the root PADS/ML directory you will find a file named padsc.runtime.tar.gz. Untar this file to produce a directory named "padsc_runtime". Next, you must arrange to have env variable PADS_HOME set to this location before doing other steps. Once PADS_HOME is set, you can source a DO_SETENV script that will set the other env variables that you will need (INSTALLROOT, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.). DO_SETENV will also make your installation directories (rooted at INSTALLROOT) if they do not exist yet.

    Below are instructions for different kinds of shells. You could do the following by hand, or add them to your shell init script. Note: Use DO_SETENV rather than Q_DO_SETENV when running from the command line to see how the env variables are set up.

    Example for csh/tcsh users: setenv PADS_HOME /home/pat/padsml/padsc_runtime source $PADS_HOME/scripts/Q_DO_SETENV.tcsh

    Example for sh/ksh/bash users: export PADS_HOME=/home/pat/padsml/pads_runtime . $PADS_HOME/scripts/Q_DO_SETENV.sh

    Finally, all the build steps for PADS/C can be done with one command.


    • NB: Make sure you do not have an 'nmake' program in your path. If you do, you should temporarily modify your PATH environment variable to remove the dir(s) that have nmake. After performing an initial make you can restore your PATH to its previous setting.


    Often, an existing PADS/C distribution can be used without any modifications. However, if you are using release 1.03 you must patch it and rebuild. After unpacking the PADS/ML tarball, call


    from the PADS/ML home directory (the directory in which this README file is found). After calling patch.sh, you should follow the regular directions in the README to rebuild.

  • Objective Caml, version 3.10.x or higher. Objective Caml is available from caml.inria.fr or from godi.ocaml-programming.de. GODI includes a package management system for ocaml in addition to the standard distribution. You will need version 3.10.x or higher of Objective Caml. Earlier versions will not work because of library incompatibilities.

  • camlidl, available at http://caml.inria.fr/pub/old_caml_site/camlidl/. Be sure to customize the Makefile as directed. For example, on the Mac, you'll need to change the setting for variable CPP.

  • XMLlight, http://tech.motion-twin.com/xmllight.

  • camlp5, available at http://pauillac.inria.fr/~ddr/camlp5 or with GODI. Be sure to install in "transitional" mode (should be the default).

  • ocamlfind, available with GODI. Not strictly necessary, but helpful. If you choose not to install it, then set environment variable NO_OCAMLFIND

STEP 2: Set environment variables.

After installing the above software, set the following variables to their appropriate values, as described:

PADS_HOME : the root directory of your PADS/C distribution. This variable should already be set by the PADS/C installation.

PML_HOME : the root directory of your PADS/ML distribution. This should be the same directory as the on in which this README resides.

XMLLIGHT_LIB_DIR : the installation directory for XMLlight. If unset, will default to $PML_HOME/arch//xml OCAML_BIN_DIR : the location of the ocaml binaries OCAML_LIB_DIR : the location of the ocaml libraries

CAMLIDL_LIB_DIR : the location of the camlidl libraries. This variable is often the same as OCAML_LIB_DIR.

NO_OCAMLFIND : if you do not have ocamlfind installed.

Make sure that the ocaml binaries are accessible from your PATH. The camlidl binary should either be accessible from your PATH or its full path should be specified in variable CAMLIDL. An example setting for these variables, using the bash shell:

export PML_HOME=$HOME/projects/padsml export OCAML_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin/ export OCAML_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib/ocaml/ export CAMLIDL_LIB_DIR=$OCAML_LIB_DIR

========================================= Building and Testing the PADS/ML Compiler and Library

STEP 1: Build the PADS/ML compiler and runtime

Next, in the root PADS/ML directory, run

 make install

or, to just make all the files, without installing them:

 make all

STEP 2: Test the pads/ml compiler.

To test that the pads/ml compiler works on all of the supplied examples, do the following from the pads/ml root directory:

 cd examples/tests
 make run_all

The make command will compile and run all of the example programs. It will produce a lot of ouput, so it is recommended to redirect the output to a file.

To process particular example, try:

 make <example-name>

For example, "make sirius" will compile and run "test_sirius". To do this manually, try:

 make test_sirius
 <your-arch>/test_sirius ../data/sirius.txt

It will output the parsed data together with the parse descriptors using the debugging tool (found in examples/tools/debug_tool.ml). Notice that this particular sample of sirius data has two errors in it.

========================================= Overview of PADS/ML directory structure

Below is a listing of each directory within the PADS/ML root directory and a brief description of each:

compiler - source files for PADS/ML compiler.

runtime - source files for PADS/ML runtime. These are the modules referenced by generated code. padsc_interface - source files for ocaml interface to PADS/C runtime.

examples - pml - PADS/ML descriptions gen - empty directory for generated code data - sample data sets for descriptions tests - simple tests for descriptions

arch - for each architecture on which PADS/ML is compiled, a different subdirectory is created to store the architecture-specific files. The make process will automatically determine the architecture and creat an appropriately-named subdirectory into which to install compiled files. Currently, in any given architecture-specific directory, there is only a lib directory, which contains interface and library files for use in compiling examples.

mk - assorted utility make files.

scratch - scratch space for testing and distributing ideas. Only present in CVS, not the distribution.

scripts - assorted scripts used in making and managing the system.

pml - a pads/ml interpreter built upon the ocaml toplevel.

tools - library of generic tools and a module with simple drivers for some of the tools.

dev - directory for developing new parts of the pads/ml infrastructure. Once mature, these parts can be transferred into place.
