Home > pam_externalpass


Pam_externalpass is a project mainly written in SHELL and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Spawn external program from PAM to do authentication


PAM Externalpass

By Thomas Habets [email protected]


This code is for the authenticator client. E.g. a server that is to be logged into. Tested to work with FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris.


Clone git repo: git clone git://github.com/ThomasHabets/pam_externalpass.git

Github page: http://github.com/ThomasHabets/pam_externalpass


For the PAM module:

  • libpam development libraries (in Debian: aptitude install libpam-dev)
  • Working C compiler etc...

For the Yubikey authenticator script (yubiauth.py):

  • python
  • curl


  1. run "./configure"
  2. run "make"
  3. run "make install" as root
  4. If running Yubikey authentication against Yoracle, copy yubiauth.py to a good place, like /usr/local/sbin, or use your own authenticator.


Put this before the pam_unix line in /etc/pam.d/ssh (or /etc/pam.d/common-auth on debian for all login methods): auth sufficient /usr/local/lib/libpamexternalpass.so \ exec=/.../yubiauth.py \ prompt=Yubikey: \ userconf=%h/.yubikeys

(on one line, and no backslashes. Solaris is more complicated, so improvise)

The optional 'userconf' parameter is used to check if there is even a point to running the script. If the 'userconf' parameter is used then that file must exist, or pam_externalpass will not even ask for a password.

Make sure your /etc/ssh/sshd_config (or equivalent) has: ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes UsePAM yes ... or at least not "no". You'll know this is wrong if you never get a Yubikey prompt when you log in.

Local authentication using yoracle

If you want the server you log in to to run yoracle locally then have pam_externalpass run yoracle.py directly using exec=. It's coded to understand pam_externalpass.

git clone http://cvs.habets.pp.se/~marvin/git/yoracle.git

Config per-user (yubikey auth using the included yubiauth.py)

Put a list of keys and authservers in a users ~/.yubikeys. For example this line would be to authenticate key xxxaaaxxxaaa agains authserver.example.com which is running a yoracle as an HTTPS server.: xxxaaaxxxaaa https://authserver.example.com/auth/0/?token=%(token)s

(the key id is the first 12 characters of every token you generate)

The authenticator client currently only works with my yoracle authenticator. I will add support for the official protocol when I get around to it. It won't take long, but nobody (even I) have said that they need it.

If you're using HTTPS, make sure the certificate chain is accepted by the system. If it fails, try running: curl -v -s https://authserver.example.com That should show you any SSL issues you may have. When in doubt, try running plain unencrypted HTTP.

If you don't have a signed domain (for example if it's self-signed), edit yubiauth.py and add "--cafile /path/to/your/ca.crt" to the curl cmd.


Thank you for adding support for dvorak to your yubikey apps. All my yubikey stuff (including this code) has support for it.