Home > Paperadio


Paperadio is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

Listen to it later

Paperadio - Listen to your Instapaper

This is a MacRuby application which reads your Instapaper-saved articles to you on Mac OS X.

This is an alpha, proof-of-concept application and as such, no guarantees to its proper functioning are provided.

Any feedback or pull requests are more than welcome, though!

To build

  1. You need XCode and MacRuby 0.8.
  2. Once you open the XCode project, click Build+Run.
  3. Open up Terminal, go to your Build folder (and then Debug or Release, depending on your active configuration), and run macruby_deploy --embed Paperadio.app
  4. You now have a standalone Cocoa app which you can then copy to your /Applications folder to use (hopefully on a daily basis!)


  1. Optimizations
  2. Better Error Handling
  3. Great Icon!

Released under the MIT license.