Home > paperboy


Paperboy is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

An email sending library for the Joyent Smart Platform.


Paperboy is a mail sending library for the Joyent Smart Platform that uses the execution queue in order to provide non-blocking email delivery to multiple platforms. New platforms can be easily added IF AND ONLY IF they have a web API (currently a limitation of the platform). Make sure to configure your platform and authentication credentials for paperboy at the beginning of your 'bootstrap.js' file.


Add Paperboy as a git submodule. In the root of your your smart project run:

git submodule add git://github.com/voodootikigod/paperboy.git js/paperboy

Or if you would like to contribute back to paperboy, fork the project and then install the submodule with your remote repo location:

git submodule add [email protected]:<username>/paperboy.git js/paperboy


In your 'bootstrap.js' file tell your smart application to use Paperboy:
