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Paperclip-cassandra is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Cassandra Storage Backend for Paperclip


This is a Cassandra storage backend for Paperclip. It supports an arbitrary number of styles and store the content-type, size, and creation date with the image data so that the assets can be delivered right out of cassandra without hitting whatever database is storing the rest of your model.

==Quick Start

In your model (in this example, 'connection' is a Cassandra connection from the cassandra gem):

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :large => "900x900>", :medium => "300x300>", :small => "130x110>", :thumb => "64x64>", }, :storage => :cassandra, :column_family => :PaperclipAttachments, :key_prefix => 'I', :connection => Cassandra.new(*args), :path => ":style", :url => "/:style/:param.:extension" end

Example SuperColumn Family:

<ColumnFamily Name="PaperclipAttachments" ColumnType="Super" CompareWith="BytesType" CompareSubcolumnsWith="BytesType" Comment="Paperclip Attachments" />


You can put multiple attachments in the same column family because there is a key prefix that defaults to the class name but can be overridden to make shorter keys for storage savings.

'param' has been added as an interpolation for use with things like permalinks.
