Home > papers-utils


Papers-utils is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Papers, Research Paper management software related utilities

Uitlity scripts for Papers

Requires Ruby 1.9 for internationalized code handling.

Papers is available from http://mekentosj.com/papers/

  • papers2bib

Modify bib library exported from Papers which can be handled by bibtex.

To use: Export from Papers, then feed into this script, like:

papers2bib exported.bib > converted.bib

Note: the output code is EUC at this moment. Import code is assumed to be UTF-8.

If keywords file given, the names listed in the file (one per each line) will be treated as keywords, and quote with brances in any of journal, title or authors field.


-K KEY_FILE or --key-file KEY_FILE Specifying keywords file. If not specified, keywords file will be consulted with the name "BIB_FILE_BASENAME-keywords.txt"

  • bibdump

Read bib file and dump.

Options: -u, --utf-8 Set both i/o encoding to UTF-8 -e, --euc-jp Set both i/o encoding to EUC-JP -s, --sjis Set both i/o encoding to Shift_JIS --output-utf-8 Set output encoding to UTF-8 --output-euc-jp Set output encoding to EUC-JP --output-sjis Set output encoding to Shift_JIS -B, --bib-dir DIR Set output dir (currently ./bib) -f, --force Force to overwrite files -t, --no-time-stamp don't add bibdump date -w, --write Write out each entries in each file in the output-dir -l, --list List bib cite keys


To write out per-bib entry file from BIBFILE.bib (in EUC-JP): bibdump -w -e BIBFILE.bib

To write out per-bib entry file from BIBFILE.bib (in EUC-JP), output in UTF-8 bibdump -w -e --output-utf-8 BIBFILE.bib

To list the citation key in the file (you must give correct encoding): bibdump -l BIBFILE.bib

Note: output filename is same as the citation key with suffix ".bib"

  • bibmerge

Merge given bibs onto primary bib file BIB_FILE

ruby ./bibmerge [options] BIB_File {cite_keys|bib_files}.. Options: -u, --utf-8 Set both i/o encoding to UTF-8 -e, --euc-jp Set both i/o encoding to EUC-JP -s, --sjis Set both i/o encoding to Shift_JIS --output-utf-8 Set output encoding to UTF-8 --output-euc-jp Set output encoding to EUC-JP --output-sjis Set output encoding to Shift_JIS -B, --bib-dir DIR Set bib dir (currently ./bib) -f, --force Force to overwrite files -t, --no-time-stamp don't add bibdump date -a, --add Add to primary if missing -o, --overwrite Do overwrite if needed -d, --dump-mismatch Dump mismatched entries -p, --dep-dump Dump the list of BIB files bibmerge actually found and merged -G GROUP, --group GROUP add GROUP as part of suffix (using .{GROUP}-bib prior to .bib)

  • Japanese Name Hacks

If there is "JapaneseAutorMap:.*" string in a note of the entry in the Papers applications' paper entries, strings following it is treated as mapping between English name into Japanese name. For example,

JapanesAuthorMap: Yamada Taro: YAMADA TARO, Yamada Jiro: YAMADA JIRO

NAME denotes kanji characters

Maps english napes into Japanese name, respectively.
