Home > Parameter-Text-Objects


Parameter-Text-Objects is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Defines parameter text objects

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2979

This script defines a parameter text object. A parameter is the text between parentheses or commas, typically found in a function's argument list.

See: :help text-objects for a description of what can be done with text objects.

Also See: :help a( If you want to operate on the parentheses also.

Like all the other text-objects, a parameter text object can be selected following these commands: 'd', 'c', 'y', 'v', etc. The script defines these operator mappings:

aP "a parameter", select a parameter, including one comma (if there is one).

iP "inner parameter", select a parameter, not including commas.

This is a slick version of argtextobj vimscript #2699; though mine is shorter and can handle counts (ie. c3aP).

NOTE: Negative ratings don't help the script to improve. Instead, please send me an email (shown in my profile). Thank you.
