Home > parity-translator


Parity-translator is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

translates through languages until parity is reached :)

uses google translate API to translate the given text between a list of languages until parity is reached.

change YOUR_KEY string to your own Google API key, which can be obrained at http://code.google.com/apis/console/

to build run

lein deps && lein uberjar

then use by providing sample text and languages which it should be translated through

java -jar translator-1.0-standalone.jar "There are also at least three species of tear-drinking bees, all from Thailand" "en" "de" "cs" "et"

before: There are also at least three species of tear-drinking bees, all from Thailand after: There are also three types of clothing, drinking bees, all of Thailand

before: There are also three types of clothing, drinking bees, all of Thailand after: There are three types of clothing, water bee, all of Thailand

original: There are also at least three species of tear-drinking bees, all from Thailand translated: There are three types of clothing, water bee, all of Thailand
