Home > partition_benchmarks


Partition_benchmarks is a project mainly written in PHP and RUBY, it's free.

PHP and Ruby scripts used for making partition benchmarks on data stores like Cassandra, MySQL and drizzle.

edit bmark_config.php with the path to your repo.

to build the tables: php build_test.php <no. of partitions> <mysql|drizzle> ruby cass_build_tables.rb

  • since cassandra is a 4 dimensional hash store we're not really testing partitions but instead the speed of writes. Currently, in order of speed of no. of writes / second: drizzle, cassandra, mysql

to test how fast the partitions are as well as having no partitions php testDao.php <mysql|drizzle>


Writing partitions to a database: php build_tables.php 5000 99 mysql php build_tables.php 5000 99 drizzle

On a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2GB of DDR3 RAM, drizzle is much faster

Finding data in one of the partitions: php testDao.php mysql php testDao.php drizzle

Drizzle is much slower b/c it doesn't have native partitions yet, but on regular selects with an index it is faster than mysql.
