Home > paso


Paso is a project mainly written in ..., based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Installation builder for Pardus Linux

Paso is an installation builder for Pardus Linux.

Pardus installation system is YALI (Yet Another Linux Installer). YALI sets up the system by pisi packages from the installation media. Paso just builds the special package repository for installation, it's not another installation method.

Users can install or remove packages on their systems and create paso files for sharing. Paso files are small gzipped XML files and thus can easily be shared, because it just contains list of packages. Packages in the list collects from the installed Pardus system, not from Internet repositories.

Everybody can build iso images on their own system by the Paso build process. Paso searches the packages from local resources, Pardus installation CD's and internet repositories then builds the installation repository.

Fore more information about YALI, visit http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/projeler/yali

Or you need to Pardusman for creating installation from Pardus repositories directly. http://svn.pardus.org.tr/uludag/trunk/kde/pardusman/

BUILD REQUIREMENTS -python-qt-devel


  • python >= 2.7
  • qt >= 4.5
  • cdrtools
  • syslinux

INSTALLATION -Use Pisi package from Pardus repositories or download section of project home (if supported). -You can also install without pisi package easily; -Extract the archive -Run commands; python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install

RUN WITHOUT INSTALL -Extract the archive -Run command; python setup.py build python build/lib/paso.py

TRANSLATION -Copy from paso.ts file and create your .ts file. -Example for Turkish is "tr_TR.ts". First string is "ISO 639 language code", second is "ISO 3166 country code" -Open and edit ts/your.ts file with Qt Linguist. -Open and edit addfiles/paso.desktop file with your favorite text editor. -When you’re ready you can send them back to me via email. (to )