Home > heroku_static


Heroku_static is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A basic set of files for a VERY simple static site on heroku

Basic Heroku Static Site

This is more or less the simple structure for either a 100% static site, and or a basic sinatra app hosted on heroku.





  1. git clone [email protected]:peppyheppy/heroku_static.git
  2. Signup for a Heroku account (of you don't already have one)
  3. gem install heroku
  4. heroku create appname
  5. git remote add heroku [email protected]:appname.git
  6. heroku addons:add custom_domains:basic
  7. heroku domains:add www.peppyheppy.com (add your domain not mine)
  8. Update your DNS to point to the ips found on: http://devcenter.heroku.com/tags/ip-address
  9. Add your static files in the public directory
  10. Add Ruby/Sinatra stuff as needed
  11. Go on over to your new site and collect the dough from your client, mom, cousin, or neighbor

Note: I probably missed some steps.


Sure, why not. Fork the project, make your changes, and I will bring them in.
