Home > PerlStarter


PerlStarter is a project mainly written in CSS and PERL, it's free.

Perl Starter -- A Cheap Kickstarter Clone

I love Kickstarter, but their Terms and Conditions limit the kinds of projects you can run. I thought it might be interesting to experiment with other kinds of projects but that required an application that could do what Kickstarter does. This is the start of just such an application.


  1. Download the tarball and extract it to a directory, finally change to the new directory.

wget https://github.com/Tamarou/PerlStarter/tarball/master tar -xvzf PerlStarter.tar.gz cd PerlStarter

  1. Install the pre-requisites. You can do this with cpanm -l perl5 [dist] where [dist] is each of the list below. This may take a little while.

    Dancer Dancer::Test DateTime Digest::SHA1 ExtUtils::MakeMaker KiokuDB::Backend::DBI KiokuDB::Role::ID KiokuX::Model KiokuX::User KiokuX::User::Util List::Util Moose Plack Test::More Try::Tiny

  2. Assuming you ran the command above, you can start the application using plackup.

plackup -I perl5/lib/perl5
