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Permit is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A flexible authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails.


A flexible controller authorization tool for Ruby on Rails.

Source: http://github.com/dnd/permit
Issues: http://github.com/dnd/permit/issues
Docs: http://yardoc.org/docs/dnd-permit
Author: Steve Valaitis
Copyright: 2010
License: MIT License

  • Description
  • Installation & Setup
  • Usage
  • Specs & Coverage
  • Problems

How does it work?

Permit works by allowing you to define a series of allow or deny rules to authorize a person. The rules that apply for the action of the current request are then evaluated against the current person. Rule evaluation stops as soon as a match is found. If a deny rule matches, #access_denied will be called, and the person will be prevented from accessing the action. If an allow rule matches, the person will be directed to the action as normal. If no rules match, the person will be denied access. This can be overridden either at the global or controller level by setting the default_access option to :allow. Keep in mind that deny rules are always run first.

There are three different types of authorizations that you can use with Permit. They are as follows:

Static Authorizations

These are the most basic forms of authorization and allow you to use one of these roles by itself to authorize someone.

  • :everyone - Exactly what it says, an authorization that applies to everyone.
  • :guest - Indicates a guest to the application, and only matches if current_person#guest? returns true.
  • :person - Indicates an authorized person, and only matches if current_person#guest? returns false.


allow :guest, :to => :index

Dynamic Authorization

When using the :person role, you can additionally specify the :who/:that and :of/:on options. This will cause the current person object to be sent as an argument to the method indicated by :who/:that on the target resource indicated by :of/:on. If the method call returns true then the rule will be a match.

If the symbol given to :who/:that is prefixed with is_ some special sugar will be applied, causing Permit to try and use various methods on the resource. You can see these methods in the documentation for PermitRule#initialize

A dynamic authorization might look like this:

allow :person, :who => :is_owner, :of => :project, :to => :write

Named Authorizations

These are authorizations using custom roles that you define in the database and are mapped to a person in an authorizations table. A person may be granted a role for a given resource, more than one resource, or no resource at all(depending on what the role definition allows).

Some named authorizations might look like:

allow :admin, :of => :team, :to => :show
allow [:project_owner, :project_manager], :of => :project, :to => :all

How do I get it?


You can install Permit as a gem(make sure to add "config.gem 'permit'" to your config/environment.rb file):

sudo gem install permit

or as a plugin:

script/plugin install git://github.com/dnd/permit.git

as a gem from source:

git clone git://github.com/dnd/permit.git
sudo rake install



You must have a Person model, or some other model that represents an authorized user of the system that responds to #guest?. Permit will not create this model for you. You can get as fancy as you want with the guest? method, but a simple example would be:

 def guest?


If you are not going to use named authorizations, run:

script/generate permit [Person] --init-only

If you are going to use named authorizations you can run:

script/generate permit [Person [Authorization [Role]]]

You are not required to pass in any arguments to the generator. The arguments above are optional, and reflect the default names that Permit uses. These only need to be specified if you want to use different class name(s). So if you wanted to use an existing Employee class for authorization instead of the default Person, run:

script/generate permit Employee

For full details on the generator take a look at the --help

Run the migration for the roles and authorizations:

rake db:migrate


Include Permit in your ApplicationController:

include Permit::ControllerExtensions

Create a method that returns the current authorization subject. This will by default be inferred from the class name given to Permit for initialization, and takes the form of current_*. So if the class was Person, Permit would look for current_person. For User it would be current_user, etc... If the method you want to use doesn't follow this convention it can be overridden in the initializer.

Permit::Config.controller_subject_method = :logged_user

How do I use it?


After you have "included" Permit into your controller, it is still not active. For that you must define a block of rules by calling permit in your controller. If you want to by default protect all of your controllers, you can just make an empty permit call in your base controller class(such as ApplicationController).

Something to keep in mind is that when permit is called, a before filter is set to check the authorizations. Any setup that you need to do for setting the current subject, or the resource to be used in :of/:on criteria needs to be done through before filters set prior to this call.

The rules defined in permit blocks are not additive. When a new permit call is made, it wipes out any previously set rules. It also resets the before filter position for checking the authorizations thus allowing you to add any other before filters you may need in your implementing controller.

You can create "allow" and "deny" rules by passing at minimum, a role, and one or more actions that the rule applies to. The actions will be expanded using the aliases defined in Permit::Config.action_aliases, and are expanded in a non-recursive fashion. You can optionally pass :all for the action, which will cause the rule to be tested for all actions. "allow" rules accept the :to key for actions, and "deny" rules accept the :from key.

For the full documentation and description of options you can use for creating rules see the documentation for PermitRule#initialize

permit do
  deny :person, :from => [:write, :destroy], :if => Proc.new {|person, context| person.status == :on_leave}
  allow :person, :who => :has_commented?, :on => :article, :to => :show
  allow :person, :who => :is_author, :of => :article, :to => [:read, :write]
  allow :admin, :to => :all

Deny a person from new, create, edit, update, delete, and destroy if they are on leave.

Allow a person who has commented on the article to show. @article.has_commented?(current_person)

Allow person who is the author of the article to index, show, new, create, edit, and update. @article.author == current_person

Allow a person that has the admin role for no resource to access any action. `current_person.authorized?(:admin, nil)


The following helpers are included for use in your views, or for one off operations in your controllers.

  • allowed? - Returns true if the person matches the rule criteria
  • denied? - Returns true if the person does not match the rule criteria
  • authorized? - Calls current_person.authorized?

See Permit::ControllerExtensions::InstanceMethods for the full documentation on these methods.


This aspect of Permit only applies if you are using named authorizations.

Named authorizations are setup based on the call to Permit::Config.set_core_models in your initializer. This call sets up your authorization, person, and role models by calling permit_authorization, permit_person, and permit_role on them respectively.

The extensions for authorization, and role setup some basic validations to ensure the integrity of the models.


To setup a model to be used as a resource for authorization, call permit_authorizable inside of it.


The person, role, and resource models are setup with a has_many :authorizations association. This association is extended with a few methods that are documented in AssociationExtensions


The person model is extended with a few methods to simplify authorizing, and revoking roles, as well as checking if the person is authorized on a given set of roles for a resource. These methods are documented in PersonInstanceMethods.

Specs & Coverage

Permit currently has fairly high test coverage(>95%). To run the specs for Permit, the plugin will most likely need to be inside of an existing Rails application.


Please use the GitHub issue tracker for any bugs, problems, or unexpected behavior you run across while using Permit.
