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PetitML is a project mainly written in HASKELL and C, it's free.

A PPC compiler for a small functional language in Haskell using monad.



We have implemented a small functional language. The compiler emit PPC assembly code that is linked with a small runtime library in C.

The most difficult part was to conform to the System V PPC application binary interface in order to be able to take advantage of C functions.

The programme make use of monad in several occasion. The obvious case as alternate mean of computation in the intermediate interpreter present for testing, but also for AST traversal when carrying states.


The programme is divided in different modules.


The syntax is described in this module.


Apply the first normalisation. Contrary to the common choice of the CPS transformation K-normal does not produce a large number of administrative lambdas. There is an interpreter for K-normalised programme for testing purpose.


The eta transformation facilitate the programme manipulation.


The closure conversion is necessary as function are first order.

PPC asm

Generation of PPC assembly code.


Output example for the programme 3 described in the Testing module.

  .file   "petitML.pml"
   .section        ".text"
   .align 2
   .global f1
   .type  , @function
   stwu 1,-120(1)
   mflr 0
   stw 0,124(1)
   mr 6,3
   mr 7,4
   lwz 8,4(3)
   mr 5,8
   mr 3,5
   lwz 2,0(1)
   lwz 0,4(2)
   mtlr 0
   mr 1,2
   .size  f1,.-f1
   .align 2
   .global petitML_entry
   .type  , @function
   stwu 1,-120(1)
   mflr 0
   stw 0,124(1)
   mr 31,3
   li  9,0
   mr 10,9
   cmpwi 3,10,0
   bne 3,.L1
   li  11,12
   li  12,1
   mr 15,31
   lis  2,f1@ha
   la 0,f1@l(2)
   stw 0,0(31)
   stw 11,4(31)
   addi 0,31,8
   mr 14,15
   li  16,2
   mr 15,16
   stmw 5,8(1)
   lwz 2,0(14)
   mtctr 2
   mr 4,15
   mr 3,14
   mr 0,31
   lmw 5,8(1)
   mr 31,0
   mr 13,3
   add 8,12,13
   b .L2
   li  8,200
   li  9,3
   mr 10,8
   add 5,9,10
   mr 3,5
   lwz 2,0(1)
   lwz 0,4(2)
   mtlr 0
   mr 1,2
   .size  petitML_entry,.-petitML_entry
   .ident  "Super petit Ml compiler"
   .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits