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Phm is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

Y.A. Redis modeling library

phm - Y.A. Redis modeling library

A weekend project, this library intends to explicitly abuse (little bit) macros to create a DSLy feeling when working with Redis (presumable mostly with webapps).


Please read the tests for usage info. But basically you do:

(defredismodel "user" {:attributes ["name] :collections ["friends"])

Then you generate an occurrence out of this atom:

(create-model-atom "user" "federico")

This creates a var with root binding to user-federico. A big TODO now is create a ns for these bindings.

You can use this var to create redis keys about the attributes:

(create-redis-key user-federico {:name "Federico"}) This saves a key "user:federico:name" with value "Federico"

And also you can call this macro (generate-helper-funcs "user" "federico" user-federico)

This will create some helper fns like:

(user-federico-add "friends" "bernardo") It adds Bernardo to an in-memory representation of friends and also stores in the set "user:federico:friends" the value Bernardo in Redis.


Copyright (C) 2010 Federico Brubacher

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
