Home > photo-slideshow-captions


Photo-slideshow-captions is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

W3C compliant photo slideshow with transparent caption overlays and linking.

Photo Slideshow with Captions

author: Kien Tran ([email protected]) version: 1.2 date: 5 August 2009 license: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

This project aims to create a XHTML compliant slideshow that supports text captioning that will failover correctly on disabled javascript, images, or CSS.

This caption bar will fade in on a slide transition and itself uses a alpha transparent PNG to reveal the photo behind. Note that in IE the alpha system is quirky and it's just easier to remove the fade.

Inspiration for this project comes from Revision3's 2009 homepage look that is built similarly but not W3C compliant.

I include 5 color samples in a sprite to demo that function.

I use the jQuery.Cycle.lite plugin for the slideshow itself http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/

While the slideshow itself will work in IE6, the transparency will fail.

If you run this code agaisnt w3.org's validator, the CC attribution boxes may fail. That's outside the scope of the project.
