Home > php_abb


Php_abb is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

abbreviations for php functions

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=455

php_abb is a ftplugin for php, mostly providing insert mode abbreviations for php builtin functions and control structures. These abbreviations expand to function stubs and should help you remember the syntax in addition to speeding typing. A map-like function that does a number of possibly obtuse things is also included.

The insert mode abbreviations come in two falvors: those using the raw php function name (these can be disabled) and those prefixed with g:phpLeader.
See the help file for details.

The phpActOnVariable function performs a number of activities on the php variable under your cursor at the time the function is executed. You should create a map to this function. As an example of how you would use this, say you have mapped it to m and you have your cursor on any letter in the word test in the following code:

 $test = "FooBaR";

If you then type m and strtl a new line will be opened underneath and the following code will be inserted:

 $test = strtolower($test);

You can see a list of all the mappings for this function by executing the function and entering '?' when prompted.
