Home > PHP-Cropimage-Script--memcache-and-APC-support-


PHP-Cropimage-Script--memcache-and-APC-support- is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

This script will enable you to automaticaly resize images without loosing quality. It uses a simple math formulas to calculate the desired final size and then rerenders the image.

This script will enable you to automaticaly resize images without loosing quality. It uses a simple math formulas to calculate the desired final size and then rerenders the image.

The usage is very simples. On you HTML code just create an image and replace the src with cropimage.php?src=img/myimage.jpg&size=320x240

src - the source of the image itself size - the size that the image should have. If the size is not directly compatible with the original size it will display a simple background and the image with the correct size on top.


If it's a square image you can just use myimage.jpg&size=320 and it will make a 320x320 image.

If you don't want that nasty name (I wouldn't :P) you can add a rewite rule on your htaccess file:

RewriteRule ^images\/crop\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\/(.+)$ cropimage.php?src=$3&size=$2&id=$1&rewrite=1 [L,QSA]

With this rule you can use something like: http://www.example.com/images/crop/1234/320x180/my-awesome-image.png

Now on the script itself you need to do some adjustments on line "$_GET['src'] = 'img/'.$_GET['id'].'/'.$_GET['src'];" where you point the image name to the respective folder.

If you want the original size just call it like this: http://www.example.com/images/crop/1234/original/my-awesome-image.png

Note: using an ID is very important since it will prevent image overwriting.


Using with memcache:

This script works great with memcache and apc, and it's highly recommended! For that just set "define("USE_MEMCACHE", true);" to true (as it is on this example).

Using with APC:

This script works great with memcache and apc, and it's highly recommended! For that just set "define("USE_APC", true);" to true (as it is on this example).



This script also supports a watermark. If you want to have a go with the watermark just set "define("USE_WATERMARK", false);" to true and set the path to the watermark in "define("WATERMARK",'');".



You can see it in action here: http://www.porvocacao.com In this website we're using this script in memcache mode.
