Home > PHP-Minify


PHP-Minify is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A PHP website interface for the YUI Compressor for minifying CSS and Javascript.

h1. PHP Minify - Online YUI Compressor

p. "PHP Minify(PHP Minify)":https://github.com/amereservant/PHP-Minify is a website interface for the "YUI Compressor(YUI Compressor)":http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/, created to run on Ubuntu installs of the "yui-compressor(yui-compressor)":http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/yui-compressor package. It allows the user to setup and run their own web-based YUI Compressor on a Ubuntu box with Apache, PHP and YUI-Compressor installed on it.

p. Credit for this project is due to the free resources made available by other open source contributors, since I more less just combined them together and can't take credit for more than that. Here's the list of resources used:

  • "YUICompressor(YUICompressor)":http://code.google.com/p/minify/source/browse/trunk/min/lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php by "Stephen Clay(Stephen Clay)":http://www.mrclay.org/ - This was where the core class of this project came from and credit for that is due to him.
  • "CSS1K.com - Simpl Theme(CSS1K.com - Simpl Theme)":http://css1k.com/#simpl by "Neofyt(Neofyt's Playgound)":http://www.neofyt.com/ - The theme for this was based off of Neofyt's theme and expanded on.
  • "Initializr 2(Initilizr 2)":http://www.initializr.com/ - Used to create the base layout and has very useful helps for starting an HTML5 template.
  • "Online YUI Compressor(Online YUI Compressor)":http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/ - This was my initial inspiration for this project. I've been using this site to minify code for a long time now and it wasn't working one day when I needed it, so I created this project as a result. He shares his "PHP-YUI-Compressor(PHP-YUI-Compressor)":http://github.com/gpbmike/PHP-YUI-Compressor class and if I had noticed that at first, I probably would've used his class for this.

h2. Usage

p. You MUST have a Ubuntu box with Apache, PHP5, and YUI-Compressor installed on it. A different distro of Linux can be used, but the commands will need to be corrected in the PHP_Minify class if the yui compressor can't be executed via the yui-compressor command.

Install the YUI-Compressor: @sudo apt-get install yui-compressor@ (This is assuming you've already installed Apache and PHP5)

Create a directory in your webroot directory (Ex. /var/www/yui) and put the contents of this project in it.

Change the ownership to the Apache user, @sudo chmod www-data -R /var/www/yui@.

Visit the site and make sure everything works. That should be it!

h2. License

p. This project is licensed under the "MIT license(MIT License)":http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php with the exception of the PHP_Minify class, which didn't specify in the class itself, but the project it's included in, "minify(minify)":http://code.google.com/p/minify/source/browse/trunk/min/lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php, is licensed under "New BSD License(New BSD License)":http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php so I would assume this class would fall under it as well.

h2. Contributions

p. I gladly accept any contributions to this project since I made it for my own personal use and I'm sharing it for the benefit of others who might also need it. I don't have much spare time to spend on it, so anyone wishing to improve it is gladly welcomed to do so.

h2. Issues

p. Please report any issues on the project's GitHub page, "https://github.com/amereservant/PHP-Minify(PHP-Minify @ GitHub)":https://github.com/amereservant/PHP-Minify . I know there's a formatting glitch in Google Chrome regarding the footer blending in with the output details, but otherwise it seems to be fine in other browsers I've tested it in.
