Home > PHP-rsync-restore-sorted


PHP-rsync-restore-sorted is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Control method for rsync written in php allowing different sort paterns.

Event: 0ver 50 GB of small files from over 3 years need to be restored FROM OFF SITE BACKUP.

Problem: users need recent files restored first rsync does not offer sort. (and for good reasons, which I support)


  1. run php cli
  2. direct output from rsync's progress to log for other terminal, echo commands in primary terminal
  3. sort method using ln "ln -t -l"
  4. catch result with php
  5. start at the top of the list and rsync files / folders

Breakthroughs: using output buffering in php cli gave a vast ui speed improvement.

Environment: Ok if your reading this you best be a developer, with that said this was made for linux with both php and rsync installed, apache is not required. For your sanity PLEASE set up ssh keys between host and remote so your not prompted for a password for each item.