Home > php-shorty


Php-shorty is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

port of shorty project from bestform


a php port of bestform shorty python library (can be found on https://github.com/bestform/shorty)

it's not a one-to-one port - so i changed the variable names to how i'd write them and made more than one class file for all that classes - because thats also my coding style

to avoid class loading issues i wrote a simple autoloader that can find the class files for unknown classnames

To use the library with bit.ly, you have to create a (free) account to get an API key. Just copy the file settings.py.empty to settings.py and insert your login and key.

Unit Tests

You can run the unit tests by if you have installed phpunit with the following command

phpunit --colors test.php

Example usage

spl_autoload_register(array('TAutoLoader', 'LoadClass'));

$sInput = "http://tonstube.de";
$sShortenerToUse = "http://is.gd";

echo 'used shortener: '.$sShortenerToUse.'<br />';
echo 'input: '.$sInput.'<br /><br />';

echo 'shortening url...<br /><br />';

$oShorty = new TShortyWrapper();
/** @var $oShortener TShortenerISGD */
$oShortener = $oShorty->GetShortenerByName($sShortenerToUse);
$sShortenedURL = $oShortener->Shorten($sInput);

echo 'shortened url: '.$sShortenedURL.' - used shortener class: '.get_class($oShortener).'<br /><br />';

echo 'resolving shortened url...<br /> <br />';

/** @var $oResolver TResolverISGD */
$oResolver = $oShorty->GetResolverByURL($sShortenedURL);
$sFullURL = $oResolver->Resolve($sShortenedURL);

echo 'resolved url: '.$sFullURL.' - used resolver class: '.get_class($oResolver).'<br />';


getting stuck in the test of exceptions - phpunit seems to be eixting after (correct) exception was thrown ... and say "hey its all okay i made x assertions" - wtf? but maybe i'm only a little bit ... stupid?

write a cli script that does something like the example.php but for command line

write a bootstrap file for phpunit instead of using config files and setting up autoloader