Home > php-slurm


Php-slurm is a project mainly written in PHP and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

This is PHP extensions goal is to provide just enough functionality to a web developer read data from the slurm controller daemon to create a *status* or *monitoring* application which can be viewed by the end user. All the code has been written by &

Slurm PHP extension

Requirements (tested with)

  • SLURM 2.2.0
  • PHP 5.1.6
  • APACHE (optional, but recommended)

This was made primarily for SLURMWEB to connect to slurm. Any extra interactions are welcome.

to compile...

phpize ./configure make

this should make modules/slurm_php.so

make install as root should install this where your extensions are in your php install

in your php.ini file add the line


and you should be able to use the functions here.

Example PHP site

The examples directory contains a sample site which tries to show case as much of the php functionality as possible.


The documentation can be created using PHPDocumentor 1.4.3, should you ever feel the need to regenerate the documentation, use the following command

phpdoc -o HTML:frames:phpedit -d examples -po c,includes,objects -t docs \
    -ti "php-slurm 1.0" 

Administrator Notes

To build an installable RPM from the tarball

rpmbuild -ta php-slurm-1.0.tar.gz

The above assumes that the appropriate compiler and rpm-build packages are installed on your system.


It is assumed that the user has both slurmctld and slurmd is configured up with at least 1 partition and 1 node for these tests to pass.

Developer Notes

The 'develop' branch should be used for development work and the 'master' branch should always be a stable branch to make life easier for people who want to roll out the package.

To clean up the directory to a clean state do the following

phpize --clean

The coding style that should be adopted is http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle

Doing a release

  • Finalise changes
  • Run bump-version script to make some version number changes to various files
  • Tag repository
  • then run release-stable.sh to generate a tarball for redistribution