Home > php-template-engine


Php-template-engine is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

PHP lightweight Template Engine with same interface as Savant3 and Smarty.

PHP Template Engine

Very simple template engine for PHP5 with same interface as Savant3 and Smarty. Assign content to engine, then display a template file.

How to use

$path = 'templates/';

//create an object
$tpl = new Template($path);  

//assign some content
$tpl->assign('title','PHP Template Engine');

//display the template
//create an object Template

$body = new Template($path);
//create an object Template

$a = new Template($path);

//assign some content
//this would typically came froma database or other source,
//but we'll use static value for the purpose of this example
$a->assign('result', $result);
$body->assign('label','Username: ');
//assign from 
$body->assign('tweets', $a->fetch('content.tweets.tpl.php'));
//also, create an object Template
$footer = new Template($path);
//assigb static value
//assign values from another fetching template.
//display the template

It can be used with the following templates:

<!-- header.tpl.php -->

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<title><?php echo$title;?></title>
<style type="text/css">
/* do something CSS */

<!-- content.tweets.tpl.php -->
if($result && is_array($result)) {

 $out = '<ol id="timeline" class="statuses">';
 $header = '<li><img src="'.$result[0]['user']['profile_image_url'].'">'.
              '<div><a href="'.$result[0]['user']['url'].'">'.$result[0]['user']['url'].'</a></div>'.

 $out .= $header;
 foreach($result as $r) {
 $out .= '<li>';
 $out .= '<span class="status-body">';
 $out .= '<span class="status-content">';
 $out .= '<span class="status-entry">';
 $out .= ($r['text']);  
 $out .= '</span>';
 $out .= '</span>';
 $out .= '<span class="meta entry-meta">';
 $out .= $r['created_at'];
 $out .= '</span>';
 $out .= '</li>';
 $out .= '</ol>';

 } else {
   $out = 'No found results.';
 //output the result

 <!-- body.tpl.php -->

 <div id="logo"><a href="#">Twitter</a></div>
 <form id="f" name="f">
       <label for="username"><?php echo$label;?></label><input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="<?php echo$_GET['username'];?>"/><input type="submit" value="Grab">
 <div id="content_tweets"><?php echo$tweets; ?></div>
 <?php echo$footer;?>

 <!-- footer.tpl.php -->

 <div id="ft"><p>Written by @<a href="http://twitter.com/thinkphp"><?php echo$written;?></a> | download on <a href="<?php echo$download;?>">GitHub</a></p></div>