Home > php5-feed-aggregator


Php5-feed-aggregator is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

A very simple PDO/SQLite based feed aggregator

PHP5 Feed Aggregator

A simplified Feed aggregator that stores simplified Atom data structures to a PDO data source.

$feed = (object)array(
    'url' => 'http://isolani.co.uk/articles.rdf',
    'title' => 'Isolani Web Articles'

$aggregator = new FeedAggregator(array(
    // Where the data is stored. Any PDO data source
    'datasource' => 'sqlite:/tmp/db-aggregator.db'

// Adding a new feed to the aggregator

// Update the feeds - this should be running off a cron

// Requesting the most recent item in the feed
$feedItems = $aggregator->getFeedItems($feed->url, 1);

The simplifed PHP data structure for an Atom entry looks like this:

stdClass Object
        [title] => Entry title
        [id] => tag:example.com:/unit/test/entry
        [url] => http://example.com/test-entry.html
        [author] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Entry Author
        [published] => 2009-10-20T18:19:55+01:00
        [content] => Unit test entry content

The idea is that a normalised php5 feed parser returns a simplified data structure for any feed item, and this simplified data structure is stored and returned by this aggregator.