Home > phpbuf


Phpbuf is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

php implementation of google protobuf

There are no generators of a code. You self should create classes of messages.

The detailed description http://memo.undr.su/2009/10/15/realizaciya-google-protocol-buffers-na-php/ (Inside Russian)

Example of usage of library:

protobufer file:

message Message_Example { required int32 id = 1; required sint32 balance = 2; required bool isAdmin = 3; enum Status { active = 0; inactive = 1; deleted = 2; } required enum Status status = 4; required string name = 5; required bytes bytes = 6; }

php code:

<?php /**

  • Class of message
  • */ class Message_Example extends PhpBuf_Message_Abstract { public function construct() { $this->setField("id", PhpBuf_Type::INT, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 1); $this->setField("balance", PhpBuf_Type::SINT, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 2); $this->setField("isAdmin", PhpBuf_Type::BOOL, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 3); $this->setField("status", PhpBuf_Type::ENUM, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 4, array("active", "inactive", "deleted")); $this->setField("name", PhpBuf_Type::STRING, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 5); $this->setField("bytes", PhpBuf_Type::BYTES, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 6); } public static function name(){ return CLASS__; } }


  • Work with message */ require_once("/phpbuf/lib/PhpBuf.php");

$message = new Message_Example(); $writer = new PhpBuf_IO_Writer(); $message->id = 150; $message->balance = -12345; $message->isAdmin = true; $message->status = "deleted"; $message->name = "Andrey Lepeshkin"; $message->bytes = "Some bytes"; $message->write($writer);

$reader = PhpBuf_IO_Reader::createFromWriter($writer); $message = new Message_Example(); $message->read($reader);

$this->assertEquals(150, $message->id); $this->assertEquals(-12345, $message->balance);
$this->assertTrue($message->isAdmin); $this->assertEquals("deleted", $message->status);
$this->assertEquals("Andrey Lepeshkin", $message->name);
$this->assertEquals("Some bytes", $message->bytes);


RPC call:

RPC call required implements: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-socket-rpc/

package com.example.protobuf;

message Request { message Hoge { required string value = 1; } } message Response { message Foo { repeated string values = 1; } }

service MyService { rpc sayHello(Request.Hoge) returns(Response.Foo); }

php code:


class Request_Hoge extends PhpBuf_Message_Abstract { public function construct(){ $this->setField('value', PhpBuf_Type::STRING, PhpBuf_Rule::REQUIRED, 1); } public static function name(){ return CLASS__; } } class Response_Foo extends PhpBuf_Message_Abstract { public function construct(){ $this->setField('values', PhpBuf_Type::STRING, PhpBuf_Rule::REPEATED, 1); } public static function name(){ return CLASS__; } }

class MyService extends PhpBuf_RPC_Service_Client { public function construct(PhpBuf_RPC_Context $context){ parent::construct($context); $this->setServiceFullQualifiedName('com.example.protobuf.MyService'); $this->registerMethodResponderClass('sayHello', Response_Foo::name()); } }

$request = new Request_Hoge; $request->value = 'hello world';

$ctx = new PhpBuf_RPC_Context; $ctx->addServer('', 12345); $ctx->addServer('', 67890);

$service = new MyService($ctx); $response = $service->sayHello($request);

