Home > phpdigikam


Phpdigikam is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

A web interface for browsing your Digikam photos

Copyright 2006-2011
Author: Thorben Kröger <[email protected]>
        Laurent Bovet <[email protected]>

This file is part of phpdigikam

phpdigikam is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


This PHP application gives web access to your Digikam 1.x photo collection.



You need a working apache webserver with PHP 5 installed.

Make sure PHP's safe_mode is disabled and your webserver has write permission in the photos/ directory, otherwise PHP won't be able to write files, and you'll have to do that manually.

PHP 4 will not work, as it cannot open SQLite databases (digikam saves it's database in SQLite format) and it's Object-Syntax is different. Feel free to adapt this script to PHP 4 though, should be easy, the digikam database could be dumped into a mysql database.


Put the unpacked archive somewhere in your htdocs or public_html folder so apache can find it

  • Adapt inc/config.inc.php
  • Create a symlink under the phpdigikam folder named "images" pointing to your image collection (or add a corresponding DocumentRoot to Apache configuration).
  • Create a symlink under the phpdigikam folder named "thumbnails" pointing to your ~/.thumbnails/large folder (or add a corresponding DocumentRoot to Apache configuration).

Go to http://localhost/location-of-phpdigikam/albumview.php


From Thorben: This script was written to let others browse my photos and making use of digikam's great tagging feature, which the ordinary HTML export didn't offer.

It's very easy to use wget to get the functionality of the export plugin.

It works for me, but I realize this is neither very elegant nor very fast. Feel free to improve it :-)

From Laurent: I adapted it to my own needs and made it work with Digikam 1.x. I hope it will work for you.