Home > PHPMD5Crack


PHPMD5Crack is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Legacy Some php cli scripts for md5 hash recovery


This is the readme file of the PHPMD5Crack scrip collection that can help you recover your MD5 strings back to their original strings.

Rainbow Web Crack (md5_rainbow_web_crack.php)

The Web Cracker tries to get the original string from an md5 string using a web service. That means that you have to be online and all php has to have access to the website that‘s used.

Simple calls:

  • php md5_rainbow_web_crack.php [md5]

this will try to get the original string of the md5 value using the online service and tell you if it's found or not.

Using Files:

The script is designed to work with the piping and forwarding features that a modern shell gives you. So if you have some more hashes to check try one of these calls:

  • php md5_rainbow_web_crack.php < file_with_hashes.txt
  • php md5_rainbow_web_crack.php dbexport.csv

This will check every md5 hash found in the file (one per line, or if csv, md5 hash should be the last column!) and echo the results to you.

output routing

You can direct the output of the file using shell output direction. Check these calls:

  • php md5_rainbow_web_crack.php < file_with_hashes.txt > results.txt
  • php md5_rainbow_web_crack.php dbexport.csv > results.txt

They will both echo their outputs to the results.txt file.

Dictionary Crack (md5_dict_crack.php)

You can also try to crack single MD5 hashes including a salt string using a dictionary.

without salt:

  • php md5_dict_crack.php b5c0b187fe309af0f4d35982fd961d7e english.dict.txt

with salt:

  • php md5_dict_crack.php e762b882d0c5f585a546588056af49f7 english.dict.txt test

Check the results!
