Home > picasasync


Picasasync is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Sync directories to picasaweb from the command line

picasasync is a simple utility that allows you sync local directories containing digital photos to your picasa albums in the cloud. It also lets you find and manage possible duplicate images stored in your picasa albums.

usage: picasasync.py [-h] [-dd] [-d] [-c] [-v] [--local local_dir] remote [remote ...]

Sync local directories with picasa

positional arguments: remote Remote album(s) which you'd like to act on (sync or de- dupe). Note: each remote album can only hold up to 1,000 photos, so you should enough albums here to accomodate the number of photos you'll be uploading.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -dd, --de-dupe Run the de-duper on remote album -d, --dry-run Only print what we would sync, don't actually sync -c Create albums that don't exist -v, --verbose Be verbose --local local_dir Local directory you'd like to sync [Default='.']. This argument is ignored when running the de-duper.

by Mitchel Humpherys [email protected]
