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Pigeon-Mailer is a project mainly written in C#, it's free.

A mailer sender with an easy way to send email with custom templates

Pigeon Mailer


Pigeon Mailer is a helper library to send emails with templates, you can create templates with a set of keys and then tell Pigeon to parse it. Its sits on top of the SmtpClient class of the .Net framework so you need to config the mailSettings in the system.net directive of your config file. For tests you can use the SpecifiedPickupDirectory method on the deliveryMethod attribute of the smtp node in mailSettings.

The EmailTemplate Class

This is the core class of the library, here is how to use some properties and methods

The Body and BodyFilePath properties

If you set the property BodyFilePath with a absolute path to a file it sets the Body property with the contents of the file. If you wish you can set the Body property with a string.

The ToAddress property

Set the recipient of the message. You can set as many you want

How Pigeon treats your templates

There are two ways to define values for your templates:

The Parameters way

Add key,values pair to the Parameters property. Let's say we have this template: Hello {name}, Here are some information about your profile: Age: {age} Gender: {gender} *Country: {country} Then to add values: var template = new EmailTemplate(); //read the body tamplate.BodyFilePath = @"c: empmy_template.txt" // //set some properties template.Subject = "Hello {name}" //yes, you can have key in the subject //add the values template.Parameters.Add("{name}", "Toshio"); template.Parameters.Add("{age}", 27); template.Parameters.Add("{gender}", "male"); template.Parameters.Add("{country}", "Brasil"); //tell Pigeon do its job template.ProcessTemplate();

The Object way

Create a instance of any object which contains the values to populate your template. Let's say we have this template: Hello {name}, Here are some information about your profile: Age: {age} Gender: {gender} *Country: {country} Then to add values: var template = new EmailTemplate(); //read the body tamplate.BodyFilePath = @"c: empmy_template.txt" // //set some properties template.Subject = "Hello {name}" //yes, you can have key in the subject //create some object or use anyone you have var someObj = new { name = "Toshio" ,age = 27 ,gender = "male" ,country = "Brasil" } //tell Pigeon do its job template.ProcessTemplate(someObj);

How to send a message

Ater create a instance of EmailTemplate you need to instantiate the Sender class and use it to send your message. Sender sender = new Sender(); sender.SendMessage(template); And you are done.