Home > pivotal-github


Pivotal-github is a project mainly written in Python, based on the Unknown, Unknown licenses found.

WSGI application to convert GitHub Issue JSON to Pivotal XML for importing


WSGI bridge between Pivotal Tracker and GitHub.

Pivotal Tracker allows any external source to be imported into its excellent tracker for schedule tasks. GitHub exposes their Issues via a JSON API so you can consume it and modify it from sources other than their website. This small WSGI application serves as a bridge between the two of them.

Installation and Setup

Config """""" The configuration is read out of a JSON file. There's a sample in config.json.dist in the root of this project. You need to edit it to reflect your user, and the project you want to handle.[1]_

Running the Server """""""""""""""""" There's a simple wsgi.py file that runs the server. You can run it using your favorite WSGI handler (such as mod_wsgi, gevent, or gunicorn_).

Pivotal Setup """"""""""""" Inside your project, go Settings > Integrations. At the bottom of the page that loads is the External Tools Integration section. From the Create New Integration... drop-down select Other.

Set the Name to whatever you like (I'm creative and use GitHub). Set the Basic Auth Username and Basic Auth Password to the github_user and github_apikey fields in your config.json. The Base URL is optional, but if set adds links back to GitHub. It should be in the following format::


The final field is the URL that you've setup the WSGI server to run at. Click Create and you're set.

.. _Pivotal Tracker: http://pivotaltracker.com .. _GitHub: http://github.com .. _mod_wsgi: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/ .. _gevent: http://www.gevent.org/ .. _gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/

.. [1] To offer this as a service, this is actually something that could be phased out and replaced with the internal request to handle determine what user/repo to pull in requests from.