Home > play-checkboxes


Play-checkboxes is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

FastTag to easily manage checkboxes within playframework

h1. play-checkboxes: easily handle checkboxes with playframework

h2. Description

This project provides a FastTag that ease handling checkboxes rendering within your web application.

Its usage is quite simple

#{input.checkboxes all:myItemsList /}

Or it can be configured a bit more

#{input.checkboxes all:myItemsList, selected:alreadySelectedItemsList, basename="lstSelection", value="propertyOne", text="propertyTwo"/}

h2. Tag Parameters

h3. "values": Mandatory

This parameter references the list of items to be rendered as checkboxes. This parameter must implement java.util.List.

h3. "selected": Optional

This parameter references the list of items that must be initially selected. This parameter must implement java.util.List. An element E of the values list will be initially rendered as checked if selected.contains(E) is true.

h3. "all-none": Optional

Boolean parameter controlling the addition of a "All/None" checkbox, that will automatically select/deselect the other checkboxes. Default value is true, so the additional checkbox will be created by default.

To have the automatic select/unselect behaviour, please include also the "checkboxes.js" file.

h3. "value": Optional

This attribute is used to set the attribute 'value' inside the input HTML tag. If not provided then a toString will be performed on the element to set the value. If you bind for exemple entities, it would be better to set this attribute to the one defined as @Id inside your entity object.

h3. "text": Optional

This attribute is used to define the text that will be rendered inside the input HTML tag. If not provided then a toString will be eprformed on the element to set the text.

h3. "basename": Optional

This attribute is used to set the name used inside the input HTML tag. By default the base name is: 'selected', so that checkboxes will be named: selected [1], selected[2], ..., selected[n]

h3. "property": Optional

This attribute is used to map a specific attribute when binding has to be done on a complex object. For example, using a default basename and setting this attribute to 'id', the checkboxes will be named: selected[1].id, selected[2].id, ..., selected[n].id

This will let you bind the id attribute a class, so that your controller look like:

   public static checked(List selected)
Where the MyObject class defines an 'id' attribute.